Let them eat wedding cookie cake (2024)

Planning a wedding? I hope you will include the wedding cookie cake as part of the big day. I had one at my own wedding and made one for my son’s wedding and a friend’s wedding. These are must for Italian weddings and a labor of love. They are thought to have originated in Naples.

I start months before the wedding and make many, many kinds. For my son’s wedding I made over 1,000 cookies but you can make the cake as tall or small as you would like.

A wedding cookie cake consists of layer upon layer of a variety of cookies arranged in a pyramid, held together with icing, and decorated with sugared almonds, confetti, ribbons, and flowers. Making one is not difficult, if certain procedures are followed to ensure success.

You will want to make a variety of cookies so that the cake has many different layers, although layers can be repeated. I have suggested cookies that have worked well for me. Most of these cookies can be made up to a month ahead and frozen until the day before the wedding, when the cake is assembled. If you make the cookies ahead, freeze them carefully in single layers between wax paper or plastic wrap, and place them in airtight containers, not plastic bags. If the recipe is for a frosted cookie, frost as directed after baking and let the frosting dry completely before storing the cookies between layers of wax paper for freezing.

In addition to the cookies, you will need white and green sugar-coated almonds, the traditional color for the bride and groom, narrow pastel-colored ribbons for streamers, and a nosegay or bridal top ornament. To hold the cookies in place, you will need to use “icing glue,” which is just confectioners’ sugar and a little milk mixed to a thick frosting consistency.

Build the cake on a decorative round dish or tray. Or go to a cake shop and buy cardboard cake rounds that come in a variety of sizes. I often use 16 inches in diameter, but smaller or larger trays can be used. The larger the tray, the more a flat pyramid effect will be produced. How large you make the cookie cake is a matter of choice, depending on the number of wedding guests. For a sixteen-inch tray, I recommend making about eight different types of cookies. Some of the cookies I use in my cookie cake are Chocolate and Black Pepper Cookies, S Cookies, Anise Cookies, Sesame Cookies, Marriage Cookies, Almond Cookies and Sicilian Fig Cookies, all of which can be found on ciaoitalia.com.

Use firm cookies, such as biscotti for the bottom layers. The more delicate cookies should be used for the top layers. Arrange the biscotti on their sides on the tray, making sure the entire surface is covered. I like to have the ends of the biscotti protrude just a bit over the edge of the tray.

Build the second layer using a different kind of cookie, or a mixture of cookies and continue building until you have a pyramid. For a 16-inch tray, the cake should be at least 12-inches high, without the bridal ornament or flower nosegay at the top.

As you build the layers, use the icing glue to anchor the cookies in place by dabbing just a bit of frosting on the bottom of each one. This is important, especially if the cake is to be moved any distance.

For the finishing touches, insert white and green almonds between the cookies all around the cake. Make ribbon streamers for the cake and place a nosegay of wedding flowers at the top. I leave an indentation at the top of the cake for the flower stems.

At the wedding reception, position the cookie cake next to the wedding cake, and post a graceful sign that asks guests to make their selections starting at the top, not the bottom of the cake – although with the icing holding the cookies in place, there is little fear that it will fall like the tower of Babel!

Many times the cookie cake gets more attention than the wedding cake itself. The best thing, of course, is that the tradition lives on.

Suggested cookies to be used: include Chocolate and Black Pepper Cookies, S Cookies, Rita Ricci’s Cookies, Sesame Cookies, Marriage Cookies, Almond Cookies, Sicilian Fig Cookies, Anise Cookies, Biscotti Regina and a larger list of cookies and recipes that you can find on ciaoitalia.com

Let them eat wedding cookie cake (2024)


How to eat wedding cake in Sims 4? ›

Wedding cakes are purchased from the Party section in buy mode. Cakes can be cut by one the newlyweds, who will then feed it to their new spouse. Guests and other Sims in the household will serve themselves after the newlyweds have had their share.

Why can't I cut the wedding cake in Sims 4? ›

The answer was already given but you need to move the cake around the center of the table until you get the cut the cake option. I had to put the cake at the back of the table against the wall to get cut option. Once you cut cake AFTER married it completes first slice goal.

Why are you supposed to eat your wedding cake a year later? ›

For some newlyweds, celebrating their first anniversary means eating a helping of their preserved wedding cake together. The cake-freezing ritual stems from a 19th-century convention in which partners saved the top tier for their first child's christening (with some believing it to be an omen of good luck).

Is it bad luck to not eat your wedding cake on your first anniversary? ›

Can We Skip the Saving Wedding Cake Tradition? Listen, if you don't want to eat your year-old wedding cake, you can skip it. It's not bad luck to avoid this tradition.

How to stop sims from eating wedding cake? ›

I know pre-Wedding Stories, if you put a topper or candles on a cake, sims couldn't eat it autonomously.

Why can't I take the first slice of wedding cake in sims 4? ›

The cake MUST be on a Table, and sometimes in a specific spot on that table for it to work. And they still sometimes don't cut the cake and share it, just swipe the topper off (though it does give event credit for "Take the first slice". I have had it work from a Counter, once.

How do you sample wedding cakes in Sims 4? ›

Sims who want the very best can taste and purchase all the new cakes at the patisserie stand in the Porto Luminoso neighbourhood in Tartosa. Alternatively, you can order them via the computer, or even cook your own with the gourmet cooking skill.

Why is the cake not cutting at my wedding? ›

Not having a cake cutting moment could be because the couple has chosen a non-traditional wedding dessert, such as cupcakes, donuts, or cake pops. Something we often hear is that couples are concerned that their partner will do the traditional “cake smash” right into their face.

Why do couples freeze wedding cake? ›

Traditionally, the top tier of a wedding cake is frozen so that it can preserved and eaten at one of two events - your first wedding anniversary or the christening of your first child. This wedding cake superstition comes from the UK, where wedding cakes were often made from fruit cake.

Can you save your wedding cake? ›

Typically, wedding cakes with buttercream frosting will freeze (and thaw) well. However, if you opted for a more delicate cake, such as a sponge cake or one with a whipped cream topping, they may not keep as intended. Cakes with fresh fruit fillings may not freeze successfully, either.

Does wedding cake expire? ›

A cake will last a long time if you freeze it well wrapped. The cake toppers that my brides eat a year later are still fresh enough to eat. (although I wouldn't normally recommend a whole year in the freezer). You can use your nose, mouth and eyes to smell, taste and see if the cake is fresh.

Why can't I select a wedding cake in Sims 4? ›

What helped me: firstly plan the event in advance (via calendar) without cake selected. Then, select the cake. It will be selected also in the pre-planned event.

How do you feed a wedding cake? ›

Since the cake used to be a favor instead of dessert, there aren't any hard-and-fast rules about slicing and serving. Most couples opt to slice the groom's cake immediately after cutting the wedding cake, and serving slices alongside pieces of the wedding cake so guests have a choice of flavors.

How do you serve birthday cake in Sims 4? ›

The White and Chocolate cakes will be available at all cooking skill levels. Once the cake is baked, Sims have to place it on a countertop or a table stand. They can decorate and make the cake look more appealing by adding candles to it. To do so, click on the cake and select the “Add Birthday Candles” option.

How do you eat a frozen wedding cake? ›

When your first anniversary draws near, take the cake out of the freezer, remove the wrapping, then allow the cake to thaw for 24 to 48 hours in the refrigerator. Before serving, give the cake time (2 to 3 hours) to come to room temperature. Or, just forget freezing and order a replica.

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